Phenomenological Reviews

Series | Book | Chapter


The human as a liminal being

Bernhard Waldenfels(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

pp. 8-20


The alien is a limit phenomenon par excellence. It arrives from elsewhere, even when it appears in our own house and own world. There can be no alien without an alien place. How much weight is given to the alien will thus depend on the kind of order in which our life, our experience, our language, our acts and deeds take shape.

Publication details

Published in:

Waldenfels Bernhard (2011) Phenomenology of the alien: Basic concepts. Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press

Pages: 8-20

Full citation:

Waldenfels Bernhard (2011) The human as a liminal being, In: Phenomenology of the alien, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press, 8–20.