Journal | Authors
University of Sheffield
Edited books
Studies in East European Thought 67/3-4
The Bakhtin Circle in its time and ours
Studies in East European Thought 60/4
Language and its social functions in early Soviet thought
Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture
edited byFinn BostadCraig Brandist(University of Sheffield)Lars EvensenHege Charlotte Faber
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
From Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture
The Bakhtin circle
edited byCraig Brandist(University of Sheffield)David ShepherdGalin Tihanov(Queen Mary University of London)
Manchester, Manchester University Press
Materializing Bakhtin
edited byCraig Brandist(University of Sheffield)Galin Tihanov(Queen Mary University of London)
Dordrecht, Springer