Phenomenological Reviews

Journal | Authors


Patrick Flack

Fribourg University

Senior Lecturer in history of ideas of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Fribourg since 2021. He studied Russian, philosophy and history in Geneva, Berlin and Moscow, before obtaining a PhD from Charles University in Prague (2011). He was then a SNF post-doc researcher at the Central-European Institute of Philosophy (Prague), the Peter-Szondi Institute (Berlin) and the Husserl Archives (Leuven). In 2012, he founded sdvig press, an open access digital publishing platform, which runs the international project Open Commons of Phenomenology

in English


Phenomenology in German-speaking areas and in Russia


Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)

in: Central and Eastern European literary theory and the West, Berlin : de Gruyter

Open Access Link

Neo-Kantian philosophy as method and network


Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)Erik Martin(European University Viadrina)Michał Mrugalski(Humboldt University of Berlin)

in: Neo-Kantianism as an entanglement of intellectual cultures in Central and Eastern Europe, Genève-Lausanne : sdvig press

Open Access

Faces of anti-positivism in Prague


Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)

in: Histoires des linguistiques, histoires des idées / Istorija lingvistiki, istorija idej, Moskva : OGI

Open Access

The expressiveness of experience


Patrick Flack(Fribourg University)

Praha, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy

Open Access Link