From the pure phenomenon to the divergence in the flesh
on the transformation of the husserlian concept of the phenomenality in Merleau-Ponty
pp. 49-68
Publication details
Published in:
Novotný Karel, Rodrigo Pierre, Slatman Jenny, Stoller Silvia (2014) Corporeity and affectivity: dedicated to Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Leiden, Brill.
Pages: 49-68
Full citation:
Novotný Karel (2014) „From the pure phenomenon to the divergence in the flesh: on the transformation of the husserlian concept of the phenomenality in Merleau-Ponty“, In: K. Novotný, P. Rodrigo, J. Slatman & S. Stoller (eds.), Corporeity and affectivity, Leiden, Brill, 49–68.