Geodesic merging
pp. 4243-4264
We pursue an account of merging through the use of geodesic semantics, the semantics based on the length of the shortest path on a graph. This approach has been fruitful in other areas of belief change such as revision and update. To this end, we introduce three binary merging operators of propositions defined on the graph of their valuations and we characterize them with a finite set of postulates.
Publication details
Published in:
van der Hoek Wiebe, Holliday Wesley H., Wang Wen-fang (2018) Logic, rationality and interaction (LORI-5). Synthese 195 (10).
Pages: 4243-4264
DOI: 10.1007/s11229-017-1432-x
Full citation:
Georgatos Konstantinos (2018) „Geodesic merging“. Synthese 195 (10), 4243–4264.