Phenomenological Reviews

Series | Book | Chapter


Some sociological problems in the history of mathematics

Dirk J. Struik

pp. 377-383


The relations between economic production and scientific research have become increasingly close in the present period, and with them the relations between government, industry and the social structure in general on the one hand, and mathematics on the other hand. There exists plenty of activity in what we may call the sociological aspects of contemporary mathematics, both in research and education.

Publication details

Published in:

Gavroglu Kostas, Stachel John, Wartofsky Mark W (1995) Physics, philosophy, and the scientific community: essays in the philosophy and history of the natural sciences and mathematics in honor of Robert s. cohen. Dordrecht, Springer.

Pages: 377-383

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-2658-0_21

Full citation:

Struik Dirk J. (1995) „Some sociological problems in the history of mathematics“, In: K. Gavroglu, J. Stachel & M.W. Wartofsky (eds.), Physics, philosophy, and the scientific community, Dordrecht, Springer, 377–383.