Phenomenological Reviews

Book | Chapter


Effectiveness mechanized

Judson Webb

pp. 175-243


The problem of effectiveness tended early, as we have seen, to be conflated with the paradoxical one of "finite definablility'. That the two were really distinct problems emerges from an observation due essentially to Hilbert, that α is finitely definable ⇔ α is definable (period!).

Publication details

Published in:

Webb Judson (1980) Mechanism, mentalism and metamathematics: an essay on finitism. Dordrecht, Springer.

Pages: 175-243

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-7653-6_4

Full citation:

Webb Judson (1980) Effectiveness mechanized, In: Mechanism, mentalism and metamathematics, Dordrecht, Springer, 175–243.