Phenomenological Reviews

Journal | Volume | Article


Authenticity manifested

street art and artification

Adam Andrzejewski

pp. 167-184


The article aims to frame the issue of authenticity regarding street artworks. By introducing and analyzing the concept of artification, which refers to the situation when non-art is modified by art, I argue that street art manifests its authenticity through transforming the space around particular artworks. This transformation amounts to two facts: sanctioning certain practices which change our perception of the urban environment, and creating new aesthetic objects which are art-like.

Publication details

Published in:

(2017) Discrimination in philosophy. Rivista di estetica 64.

Pages: 167-184

DOI: 10.4000/estetica.2077

Full citation:

Andrzejewski Adam (2017) „Authenticity manifested: street art and artification“. Rivista di estetica 64, 167–184.