Phenomenological Reviews

Series | Book | Chapter


Reiterations, transformations, and combinations of purely mental and pictorial representations

Eduard Marbach(University of Bern)

pp. 147-174


In the last chapter of this study, I wish to introduce a few more complex mental activities of representation. Recall that, on the present account, mental activities are quite generally considered in their function of establishing reference to something objective. Basic forms of activities of representing, in particular, have been analyzed in terms of intentional relations between activities of presenting something and of representing something. These relations were explained in terms of intentional implication and modification. Different ways of "being intentionally implied/modified" were taken to be so many intentional properties defining the conceptual content of phenomenological forms of mental representation.

Publication details

Published in:

Marbach Eduard (1993) Mental representation and consciousness: towards a phenomenological theory of representation and reference. Dordrecht, Kluwer.

Pages: 147-174

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-2239-1_7

Full citation:

Marbach Eduard (1993) Reiterations, transformations, and combinations of purely mental and pictorial representations, In: Mental representation and consciousness, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 147–174.