Authenticity, feminism, and radical psychotherapy
pp. 237-248
In an essay entitled "Authenticity, Moral Values, and Psychotherapy,"1 Charles Guignon explores ways in which Heidegger's early concept of authenticity illuminates the role of moral discourse in psychotherapy. Significantly, Guignon's Heidegger-inspired account of moral discourse in psychotherapy departs from older versions of existential psychotherapy which interpret the Heideggerian ideal of authenticity as "the stance of the rugged individualist who, upon experiencing anxiety in the face of the ultimate absurdity of life, lives intensely in the present and creates his or her own world through leaps of radical freedom" (AMP 215). For Guignon, in contrast, Heideggerian authenticity is not about leaps of radical freedom but rather about finding "guidance for the conduct of one's own life in terms of the lives of models or exemplars drawn from history" (AMP 234).
Publication details
Published in:
Fisher Linda, Embree Lester (2000) Feminist phenomenology. Dordrecht, Springer.
Pages: 237-248
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-015-9488-2_13
Full citation:
Leland Dorothy (2000) „Authenticity, feminism, and radical psychotherapy“, In: L. Fisher & L. Embree (eds.), Feminist phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, 237–248.