Series | Book
Empathy, sociality, and personhood
essays on Edith Stein's phenomenological investigations
This book explores the phenomenological investigations of Edith Stein by critically contextualising her role within the phenomenological movement and assessing her accounts of empathy, sociality, and personhood. Despite the growing interest that surrounds contemporary research on empathy, Edith Stein's phenomenological investigations have been largely neglected due to a historical tradition that tends to consider her either as Husserl's assistant or as a martyr. However, in her phenomenological research, Edith Stein pursued critically the relation between phenomenology and psychology, focusing on the relation between affectivity, subjectivity, and personhood. Alongside phenomenologists like Max Scheler, Kurt Stavenhagen, and Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Stein developed Husserl's method, incorporating several original modifications that are relevant for philosophy, phenomenology, and ethics. Drawing on recent debates on empathy, emotions, and collective intentionality as well as on original inquiries and interpretations, the collection articulates and develops new perspectives regarding Edith Stein's phenomenology. The volume includes an appraisal of Stein's philosophical relation to Edmund Husserl and Max Scheler, and develops further the concepts of empathy, sociality, and personhood. These essays demonstrate the significance of Stein's phenomenology for contemporary research on intentionality, emotions, and ethics. Gathering together contributions from young researchers and leading scholars in the fields of phenomenology, social ontology, and history of philosophy, this collection provides original views and critical discussions that will be of interest also for social philosophers and moral psychologists.
Details | Table of Contents
pp.31-47's model
pp.65-85 are the problems?
pp.87-105 and community in edith stein's phenomenology
pp.127-142 Stein, empathy, and Max Scheler
pp.143-159 Conrad-Martius versus Edith Stein
pp.193-216 details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Dordrecht
Year: 2017
Pages: 218
Series: Contributions to Phenomenology
Series volume: 94
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71096-9
ISBN (hardback): 978-3-319-71095-2
ISBN (digital): 978-3-319-71096-9
Full citation:
Magrì Elisa, Moran Dermot (2017) Empathy, sociality, and personhood: essays on Edith Stein's phenomenological investigations. Dordrecht, Springer.