Series | Book
Ontologies of nature
Continental perspectives and environmental reorientations
This volume contains essays that offer both historical and contemporary views of nature, as seen through a hermeneutic, deconstructive, and phenomenological lens. It reaches back to Ancient Greek conceptions of physis in Homer and Empedocles, encompasses 13th century Zen master Dōgen, and extends to include 21st Century Continental Thought. By providing ontologies of nature from the perspective of the history of philosophy and of contemporary philosophy alike, the book shows that such perspectives need to be seen in dialogue with each other in order to offer a deeper and more comprehensive philosophy of nature. The value of the historical accounts discussed lies in discerning the conceptual problems that contribute to the dominant thinking underpinning our ecological predicament, as well as in providing helpful resources for thinking innovatively through current problems, thus recasting the past to allow for a future yet to be imagined. The book also discusses contemporary continental thinkers who are more critically aware of the dominant anthropocentric and instrumental view of nature, and who provide substantial guidance for a sensible, innovative “ontology of nature” suited for an ecology of the future. Overall, the ontologies of nature discerned in this volume are not merely of theoretical interest, but strategically serve to suspend anthropocentrism and spark ethical and political reorientation in the context of our current ecological predicament.
Details | Table of Contents
physis in Nietzsche and Empedocles
pp.3-26's natural beginning(s)
pp.27-46 and the rebirth of physis
pp.47-66 Hartmann's critical ontology
pp.159-180 the lived senses of nature
pp.181-198 and ecological restoration
pp.201-218 a phenomenology of extinction
pp.219-233 essay on Dōgen in the age of fast food
pp.235-244 details
Publisher: Springer
Place: Dordrecht
Year: 2017
Pages: 287, x
Series: Contributions to Phenomenology
Series volume: 92
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66236-7
ISBN (hardback): 9783319662350
ISBN (digital): 978-3-319-66236-7
Full citation:
Kuperus Gerard, Oele Marjolein (2017) Ontologies of nature: Continental perspectives and environmental reorientations. Dordrecht, Springer.