Phenomenological Reviews



The logic of being

Realism, truth, and time

Paul Livingston


In The Logic of Being, Paul Livingston examines the relationship of truth and time from a perspective that draws on Martin Heidegger’s inquiry into the question of being, as well as twentieth-century analytic philosophy of language and logic. In his influential earlier work The Politics of Logic, Livingston elaborated an innovative “formal” or “metaformal realism.” In the Logic of Being, he now extends this concept into a “temporal realism” that accounts for the reality of temporal change and becoming while also preserving realism about logic and truth.

Publication details

Publisher: Northwestern University Press

Place: Evanston, Ill.

Year: 2017

Pages: 280

ISBN (hardback): 9780810135192

ISBN (digital): 978-0-8101-3521-5

Full citation:

Livingston Paul (2017) The logic of being: Realism, truth, and time. Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press