Phenomenology and Indian philosophy
Details | Table of Contents
Phenomenology and Indian philosophy
the concept of rationality
pp. 8-19
Husserl and Indian thought
Phenomenology and the philosophy of history
pp. 103-112
Phenomenology and the transcendent
which way does one transcend?
pp. 141-152
Unity and plurality of cultures in the perspectives of Edmund Husserl and Ernst Cassirer
pp. 233-246
Last philosophy
ideas for a transcendental phenomenological metaphysics - Eugen Fink with Edmund Husserl, 1928-1938
pp. 270-289
Publication details
Publisher: SUNY Press
Place: Albany
Year: 1992
ISBN (hardback): 9781438436586
Full citation:
Chattopadhyaya D P, Embree Lester, Mohanty Jithendra Nath (1992) Phenomenology and Indian philosophy. Albany, SUNY Press.