Neal DeRoo
King's University
Merleau-Ponty and Ab/Normal Phenomenology: The Husserlian Roots of Merleau-Ponty's Account of Expression
The Normal and the Abnormal, Chattanooga
8th November 2018
Why Continental Philosophy Operates Via "Readings" of Canonical Figures: Reading Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on Sense and Expression
CSCP 2018, Calgary
16th November 2018
A phenomenology of image-bearing: spirituality, humanity, and the "supra"-relation
Image, Phenomenon, and Imagination in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience, Prague
4th November 2018
Explorations: Future Paths of Phenomenology, Thyon
The Case for a Phenomenological Politics
Critical and Political Phenomenology in Debate, Online
5th February 2024