Phenomenological Reviews

Journal | Authors


Roberta de Monticelli

University Vita-Salute San Raffaele

The rescued self: Value experience and moral conflict – A case study

Affects, Moods, Emotions, and Belonging, ICNAP – Tenth Annual Meeting, Montréal

1st June 2018

Aurel Kolnai on ethics and values

Affects, Moods, Emotions, and Belonging, ICNAP – Tenth Annual Meeting, Montréal

2nd June 2018

The Paradox of Axiology: A Phenomenological Approach to Value Theory

Axiology and Personhood: 3 Lectures on Phenomenological Metaethics, Leuven

4th December 2018

Intentionality, Agency and Personhood: Outline of a Phenomenological Theory of Acts

Axiology and Personhood: 3 Lectures on Phenomenological Metaethics, Leuven

17th December 2018


Philosophical Anthropology as Interdisciplinary Praxis, Köln

What is Value Experience? Discovering What Matters

Zurück zu den Sachen selbst. Die Praxis der Phänomenologie, Jena

28th September 2022

Phenomenology as an Investigation into the Sources of Normativity

Beunruhigungen der Normalität, Heidelberg

21st September 2023